Two weeks of reduced rate acupuncture sessions from 6th August until 17th August. Discover Acupuncture Fortnight is all about trying something new. Nearly everyone is familiar with the term ‘acupuncturist’ these days, but do you actually know how we work? The word ‘needles’ conjures up an image of comically large thick points which would indeed be painful. However the needles an acupuncturist uses are incredibly thin and absolutely nothing like the ones used to draw blood – a good acupuncturist will have the skill to tap the needle in without you feeling it. Acupuncture is widely used for pain management, but is also used by sufferers of many other conditions. It just depends on how you the individual respond – like other medical interventions. Discover Acupuncture Fortnight runs from The Complementary Health Care clinic – based in Norwich city centre.
Discover Acupuncture Fortnight
by shaza | Aug 6, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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