by shaza | Dec 19, 2011 | Uncategorized
Did you know that in Norwich alone there are 4 different styles of acupuncture commonly practiced? How do you choose which one is right for you? Two of the often used types of acupuncture are ‘5 elements’ and ‘TCM’ (Traditional Chinese... by shaza | Nov 16, 2011 | Uncategorized
Prior to booking an initial consultation for fertility, many women ring in first just to find out a little bit more about how I work. Usually I will have agreed with my client beforehand to book her appointment at key points in her cycle – around day 7,... by shaza | Nov 4, 2011 | Uncategorized
One of the most common conversations I have in clinic with my patients goes like this – – ‘So how does this acupuncture on my knee actually work’ – ‘Well would you like the traditional explanation or the modern medical...
by shaza | Nov 3, 2011 | Uncategorized
Electro-acupuncture was first used around 1940-1950’s and has rapidly spread in popularity. I use it for pain related conditions – sciatica, lower back pain and arthritic knees to give some examples. The feeling of receiving electro-acupuncture... by shaza | Oct 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
The Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership (NNFP) is a collaboration between Kate McDougall – acupuncturist and Charlotte Evans – homeopath. Both have enjoyed success individually in the natural fertility field and have joined forces to provide an... by shaza | Oct 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
Here is a summary of the outcomes of female fertility clients seen in the last 18 months. All maintained terms of treatment – regular acupuncture 2-3 times per month for up to 12 months. All were with partners whose sperm sample came back within normal range....
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