Did you know that in Norwich alone there are 4 different styles of acupuncture commonly practiced? How do you choose which one is right for you?
Two of the often used types of acupuncture are ‘5 elements’ and ‘TCM’ (Traditional Chinese Medicine). In 5 element acupuncture the influence of our mental and emotional state on our body is paramount, many people who already understand the root of their ailment to be deeply imbedded in their thought processes will be well suited to this style. The feel of the acupuncture session will be gentle, thoughtful and nourishing, also making it a good choice for children.
TCM acupuncture is broad term which includes much of the acupuncture coming out of China in the mid 1900’s. It is often seen as slightly more aggressive than other types of acupuncture – though this ultimately depends on the person performing the treatment. Practitioners use electro-acupuncture and strong needling techniques – making it a good choice for people with pain conditions – back, knee and shoulder for example.
Japanese acupuncture uses ultra thin needles, and there are several variants whereby the needle does not actually penetrate the skin. Great for children and people who experience needle shock.
Medical acupuncture is performed by those who are already registered with another professional healthcare skill – physiotherapists, nurses and osteopaths for example. The British Medical Acupuncture Association runs accredited courses of various lengths. The plus side of this is that you can receive acupuncture from someone who has additional knowledge in relation to their field – giving them a more complete understanding on your condition. The flip side to this is that the actual clinical training time on some of these courses is limited – so don’t be shy to ask your therapist how much time they have spent studying before you sign your consent form. My experience from client feedback is that medical acupuncture tends to hurt!
I practice mainly TCM – though I also studied 5 elements. TCM for me is the most effective way to relieve aches and pains in the physical body and it is what I use when working at Norwich’s Community Acupuncture Clinic – which is exclusively for pain relief.
Every acupuncturist develops their own style – nearly all of us include cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, infra red and electro-acupuncture as standard within our practice, so it is not uncommon to actually receive several ‘therapies’ within your normal acupuncture session. Because we can vary so much individually – don’t be afraid to try again with someone new if your previous acupuncture did not help. It is worth spending a little time considering which type of acupuncture is best suited to you. There is a good story here in The Telegraph that illustrates this point. Finally – whoever you do choose make sure they have done the appropriate amount of training and that they are registered with one of the following organisations.
1. The British Acupuncture Council
2. The British Medical Acupuncture Association
3. The Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK
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