Pain Relief.
Pain is the most common reason for people visiting an acupuncture clinic.
Musculoskeletal Pain (MSK): Pain related to either soft tissues such as muscle aches and pains related to changes in the bones of the body. Joint pain, lower back pain, shoulder and neck pain, frozen shoulder, hip pain and fibromyalgia are all examples of MSK pain.
Sports Injuries: Either acute or chronic, acupuncture is used to promote healing and shorten recovery time.
Neuralgia and neuropathy: Acupuncture is used to help with unpleasant nerve sensations throughout the body.
Gynecological pain: Acupuncture has long been used to help women suffering with painful periods and gynecological pain.
Although acupuncture is widely used for pain relief, it is better at helping some conditions over others. If you would like to speak with Kate about your particular condition please get in touch before booking in.
Kate is an approved health care provider working in Norwich, Norfolk with many insurance companies including: Aviva, Buck and Willis Healthcare Ltd., Clinicare, C.S. Healthcare, Forester Health, HealthShield, SimplyHealth, HSF, Legal and General Healthcare, Medisure, Pinnacle PLC, Royal and Sun Alliance Healthcare and Assistance, Standard Life Healthcare, Sun Alliance Health Insurance, Westfield and WPA.
07535 957577 – please leave a voicemail if calling during clinic hours.
01603 555206 – reception for The Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership.
3-6 Bagleys Court