General Health.
People choose acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to support their general health. For an acupuncturist each part of the body is related to each other and a set of seemingly unrelated symptoms will make perfect sense within Chinese medicine. There is a very strong relationship between your physical and emotional health – they are seen as two sides of the same coin.
Whether it’s part of a healthy and preventative approach or alongside long term medication and multiple conditions, acupuncture is an invaluable tool to help with physical pain and mental and emotional well being. For chronic conditions a course of treatment is more likely to get longer lasting positive effects than a single treatment. It is very common to start with 6-10 sessions at weekly or fortnightly intervals before finding out how few appointments you can keep to whilst maintaining the positive effects, and this is often between 2-6 times per year. For acute problems often a short course of acupuncture is enough -between 3-6 sessions.
Acupuncture works well alongside conventional medicine – the exception being medication that excessively thins the blood and creates clotting problems with needle insertion. Acupuncture works very well alongside other therapies such as Herbal medicine, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic.
Kate is an approved health care provider working in Norwich, Norfolk with many insurance companies including: Aviva, Buck and Willis Healthcare Ltd., Clinicare, C.S. Healthcare, Forester Health, HealthShield, SimplyHealth, HSF, Legal and General Healthcare, Medisure, Pinnacle PLC, Royal and Sun Alliance Healthcare and Assistance, Standard Life Healthcare, Sun Alliance Health Insurance, Westfield and WPA.
07535 957577 – please leave a voicemail if calling during clinic hours.
01603 555206 – reception for The Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership.
3-6 Bagleys Court